吴敏, 孙勇
(昆明理工大学材料与冶金工程学院, 云南昆明 650093)
[摘要] 较系统地阐述了铝及其合金表面处理的研究现状。介绍了以硬质阳极氧化和复合阳极氧化为主的阳极
[关键词] 铝;铝合金;表面处理;阳极氧化
[中图分类号]TG174. 4 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1001 - 3660(2003) 03 - 0013 - 03
Development of Surface Treatment for Aluminum and its Alloys
WU Min , SUN Yong
(The Faculty of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering , Kunming University
of Science and Technology ,Kunming 650093 ,China)
[ Abstract] The progress of surface treatment for aluminum and its alloys is reveled that includes positive pole oxidization ,ceri2
um conversion coating ,MAO ,Laser treatment and ion implantation.
[ Keywords] Aluminum; Aluminum alloys ;Surface treatment ;Anodization
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