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UL黄卡中各项目试验要求及解释(UL Yellow Card & Related Stand

发表于 2011-10-21 02:14:47 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
UL Yellow Card & Related Standards

Insulation material Certificate 绝缘材料证明

–All material for insulation propose must be this ID 所有为绝缘用途设计之材料需注意以下规定:
–UL Yellow Card does not mean meeting the IEC standards, UL CSA VDE.. Safety spec or designers criteria for applications.绝缘材料本身的UL Yellow Card并不代表该材料可以符合用于各种电器电子产品的IEC标准或UL,CSA,VDE等安规.
–Whatever, UL issues Yellow Card for the items passed the test only to certify material. It does not confine or approve the applications. Each application should check for its particular requirements.UL发出之UL Yellow Card只是证明该绝缘材料所通过UL的测试项目,它并非限制或认可该绝缘材料可用于所有电器或电子产品。任何之应用都应依照其专属的相关安规中有关绝缘材料之规定。

–UL Yellow Card contents 8 important propertiesUL Yellow Card包含8个重要特性
?Physics properties 物理特性
–Thickness, Flammability Rating, Relative Temperature Index (RTI), Hot Wire Ignition (HWI) 厚薄度、防火等级、相对温度指数、热线熔化率。
?Electrical properties 电气特性
–High Amperage Ignition (HAI), High Voltage Track Rate (HVTR), Arc Resistance (D495), Comparative Tracking Index (CTI) 高电流熔化率、高电压沿路径比率、电弧阻抗及比较路径指数

?Polymeric materials (Electrical insulation materials)有关化学聚合材料, (电气绝缘材料)之相关安规规定:
–Use in electrical equipment applications : UL 746C 用于电器与电子产品: UL746C
–Material requirements for internal barrier (electrical insulation) are required to meet various standards or properties of : 此材料作为产品内部隔离用(即电子绝缘用途)时, 必须符合以下不同之标准或特性:
?HWI -Hot Wire Ignition 热线熔化率
?HAI -High Amperage Arc Ignition 高电流熔化率
?UL94V-? -Flammability Classification 防火等级
?CTI -Comparative Tracking Index 比较路径指数

?Others 其它安规规定事项
–a. Dielectric breakdown strength: 5000 Vrmsminimum. Higher Values might be needed to perform acceptable in various products. 耐电压强度:最小5000Vrms以上,在不同产品时可能会要求更高之数值.
–b. Volume resistivity : 50 * 106 ohm/cm minimum. Higher values might be required in various end products. 绝缘电阻: 50 * 106 ohm/cm以上,在不同产品时, 可能要求更高之数值.
–c. Mold stress relief : No shrinkage, warpage or other distortion to interfere normal operations or reduce electrical spacing.残留应力:不会缩收、扭曲或其它变形而影响原有之特性或降低绝缘距离.
–d.Moisture resistance: 2% change maximum in dimension measured before and after 24 hours in water at 230C. This requirement is only for out door equipment application.吸水率: 在230C室温时, 将材料浸泡在水中24小时后取出,其试验前后尺寸变化率最大不超过2%,仅应用于室外之产品有此要求.
-e.CTI : 100V minimum for indoor equipments in a relative clean environment. 175V minimum for most outdoor and indoor equipments that may be to moderate contaminated environment.比较路径指数:于室内相对干净环境中使用的产品, 要求为最低要通过100V;于大部份室外或室内设备且为适度污染环境中使用的产品, 要求为最低175V.

?Hot Wire Ignition 热线熔化率, Seconds, UL 746A
?A hot wire of 9300C is wound a sample test bar and records the time (seconds) until the sampe ignites or burns. 以一条通过930℃之高热线缠绕测试样品并记录样品开始变形或燃烧时的时间, 单位为秒.
?UL assign PLC (Performance Level Classes) codes on Yellow Card.因以下所有数值太多且太大, 不方便记载, 故UL给予一个特性指数以方便记载在UL黄卡上.

HWI, Ignition Time IT (seconds) Assign PLC On UL Card120
120 ≦ IT 0
60 ≦ IT <120 1
30 ≦ IT <60 2
15 ≦ IT <30 3
7 ≦ IT <15 4
0 ≦ IT < 5

?High Amperage Arc Ignition高电流熔化率, Number of Arcs, UL 746A?
This is to measure the average number of arcs to cause the sample to ignite by applying a 240VAC, 32.5A to 2 electrodes at 40 arcs per minute.这是将240VAC,32.5A的电流通过二个电极并每分钟产生40个电弧,来测量样品在平均多少次电弧下产生变形或烧毁, 单位为次数.
HAI, Number of Arc (NA) Assign PLC On UL Card
120 ≦ NA 0
60 ≦ NA <120 1
30 ≦ NA <60 2
15 ≦ NA <30 3
0 ≦ NA <15 4

?High Voltage Tracking Rate高电压沿路径比率, mm/minute, UL 746
?This is to measure the length of a conductive path generated perminute from two electrodes at 5,200VAC moving toward to cause a leakage during total testing time of 2 minutes. This test resulton nominal 3.18mm thick samples can be applied to any other thickness.这是以二个通过5200VAC的电极相对移动,让它产生电弧,来测量在待测品上每秒钟所产生之导电长度,以此检测二分钟内之漏电情形。此测试结果是以正常之3.18mm厚之样品送测,得出数据并适用于其它厚度, 单位为mm/ 分.

HVTR, Tracking Rate, TR (mm/min.) Assign PLC On UL Card
0 < TR ≦10 0
10 < TR ≦25 1
25 < TR ≦80 2
80 < TR ≦150 3
150 < TR 4

?High voltage, Low current dry arc resistance, seconds, ASTM D495/ UL 746A
?This is to measure how long (seconds) the insulating material can withstand before create a leakage or ignition, burn under two electrodes at high voltage of 12,000V with various frequency, while these two electrodes are reparated by insulating under test.这是测量送测之绝缘材料在多久时间内(秒),经得起二个电极在12000V、不同频率下冲击,而不产生漏电、熔化或燃烧,单位为秒.?This test is insulating material thickness independent also.此测试结果与送测之绝缘材料的厚薄度无关
D495, Average Time of Arc Resistance, TAR (seconds) Assign PLC On UL Card
420 ≦ TAR 0
360 ≦ TAR <420 1
300 ≦ TAR <360 2
240 ≦ TAR <300 3
180 ≦ TAR <240 4
120 ≦ TAR <180 5
60 ≦ TAR <120 6
0 ≦ TAR <60 7

?Comparative Tracking Index比较路径指数, Volts, ASTM 3638 / UL 746A
?This is very important parameter for electrical insulating material. The test is to simulate the case that a 1 ampere current develops due to a surface contamination of the plastic insulator in between two conductors with voltage. Again, this is a thickness independent.这是绝缘材料非常重要的一项参数,这是模拟在送测之绝缘材料于表面受到污染情况下,在不同电压下通过1安培电流,量测加到多大的电压会产生漏电, 单位为伏特.同样,此测试结果与绝缘材料厚薄度无关.
CTI, Tracking Index TI (Volts) Assign PLC On UL Card
600 ≦ TI 0
400 ≦ TI <600 1
250 ≦ TI <400 2
175 ≦ TI <250 3
100 ≦ TI <175 4
0 ≦ TI <100 5


Polycarbonate Polyester
Formex P. C. PVC Mylar Nomex
Flammability O O O X O
Temperature O O / V X X O
Moisture Absorption O V O V X
Score fold O O / V X X O
CTI O O / V V / X X V

Note: O excellent, V good, X poor
发表于 2011-10-21 02:16:37 | 只看该作者
前些天还想找人问一下关于ul 黄卡,今天就看到了楼主的帖子,多谢了
发表于 2011-10-21 02:18:23 | 只看该作者
谢谢 老大让我了解了UL 黄卡
发表于 2011-10-21 02:20:14 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-10-21 02:22:04 | 只看该作者
太好了,谢谢楼主, 再接再厉.
发表于 2011-10-21 02:23:44 | 只看该作者
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