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发表于 2011-10-16 12:57:10 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
发表于 2011-10-16 12:57:15 | 只看该作者
Usaully, the time frame for a GB project is less than 3 months, it maybe a bit long torun a GB project for a whole year.
 楼主| 发表于 2011-10-16 12:57:22 | 只看该作者
In fact the control phase of my first project has been officially approved, that could mean the project is over. But from my side I still follow it as the updating of the key cross-functional procedure is on going yet. I have pushed it for more than 10 times already. Although I didn't use senior statistic tools such as DOE in the project, I myself think this project is a black belt project as it concerns so many functions: finance, inventory, engineering, quality, purchasing and etc.
I will still push the procedure updating without caring how long it will spend- I have paid so much energy on it and I would like to see its actural success more than the admitted PPT.
发表于 2011-10-16 12:57:28 | 只看该作者
Sorry but I have to say you may misunderstand the key of SS project and its follow up. First the focus of SS project is "reducing process variation", which means we neeed to target "process". When taking about "target process", we have to "narrow" the scope of the process we studied, otherwise the process improvement will be very difficult due to too many influential factors evolving along the process(es Moverover, we need identify "process owner", no matter you do it officially or not.

I am not sure what the role you played in this project (MB, GB, Champion, or simply team members Unless you are assigned to follow this one, otherwise, process owner(s) should do the job, but not you. Put it in this way, if everyone do the follow up in your way, how to put the SS project to the end. On the other hand, we usually use a audit team to check whether the improved process are under good implemented--we use a audit system to do it, but not one or two team members. Remember there is no ending on the context of improvement, so you have to leave the project in the right time and use other method to ensure its effectiveness, not continuously being involved.
 楼主| 发表于 2011-10-16 12:57:34 | 只看该作者
Thanks for your reminding. Yes, all the people MBB, BB, Champion, and Sponsor have approved that my project Inventory Reduction had been successfully closed from my DIMAC presentation, but I still have two confusions:
1. According to my CTC, although I have successfully transferred some snow-moving inventory materials into obsolete selling process (with the formal approvals from GM and function director), the finance dept. still keep the obsolete stock as the company asset without sellling it.
2. In Control Phase, the Sponsor (Process Owner) fully agreed the optimized process had been improved by the project. To standardize the process I would like to creat a procedure as the SOP. While the QA Manager didn't agree with me to increase a procedure regarding the material management, and he advised me to update the cross-functional procedure related, involved many other processes such as engineering, quality and purchasing of the materials, which also need improvement outside my project scope. Now there is no counterview on the part of my proeject target on the updating procedure, but there are some conflicts regarding other processes, hence the updating of the procedure is in process still. As this procedure is a cross function procedure without definite process owner, my BB said I have no responsibility to improve all the processes related except the one within my project scope when she decided to close my project, although I am still pushing it at present.
Wise testritehk, should I forget the project above mentioned?
You know how willing I am to see the approval of the procedure I have improved to standardize the optimized operation by our team; and get the actual finance benifit by a long time execution of the procedure.
发表于 2011-10-16 12:57:40 | 只看该作者
You are doing CoPQ, you should know a bit accounting practice. If you have some "accounting sense", you should not have asked your first question. There are many reasons for finance dept not selling those so-called "slow-moving" inventory, but the key one for finance dept is: Once those inventory are sold "for example-- at RMB 100K" and the price is much lower than the buy-in price "for example--at RMB 800K", it will have a "--RMB700K" in its balance sheet, one of the important accounting statements. For you, sold out those no-value inventory and earn RMB100K, but it creates a loss of RMB700K to finance dept. Do you think it will support your suggestion?

Every SS or even any other improvement projects should have their own improvement objectives. If no clear objective, the direction for whole program will be aimless. From your description, I have a feeling that you overlook the objective. If you do, you should have a good judgement on your decsion because anything have direct and positive impact on achieving objective should go. Which means, create another procedure or modify the existing procedure are NOT THE ISSUE. What really matters is which one is good for "Improvement Objective" and its implementation. So what is the improvement objective for your SS project? Think about it! By the way, the scope for the project maybe too board. When doing the project, you should be very careful, and narrow down the scope which you or your team can handle. Maybe you can draw a "flow chart" of the process you try to improve. If the flow chart is very complicated--sorry, at this moment, I don't think you have enough experience and skill to manage it. Don't be greedy!! Start from easy, let you and your team be motivated by achieving improvement objectives and successful outputs. OK!

I can see you did a good job and try 110% on this project. But--I cannot say it was successful one based on your description, from my own point of view. Well, put in this way, the first, or even first 2 or 3 projects not always OK, but the lesson you learnt from it/them can help you be a more experienced and skillful improvement professional, if you get serious on upgrading yourself.
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