应该进行UL 1083 46.4的“ABNORMAL OPERATION TEST - SKILLET”测试,方法还是比较简单的,关于电压的选择,样品的放置相信楼主应该都看的明白,简单说下具体的做法:
Part 1 - The unit was operated with 1/2 in. (12.7mm) of fresh unused pure cold pressed peanut oil with the thermostat set to the position that gave maximum heat and with the appliance initially at room temperature. It was operated for a period of 7-1/2 hours, or until ultimate results were observed. The cover was not in place.温控器设置到产生最大温度的位置(根据前面的正常温升测试),锅内添加12.7mm厚的新鲜未使用的压榨花生油,电压是额定电压或额定功率下的电压取大值,从室温开始测试,直到运行7.5小时或最终结果产生。锅盖敞开。
Part 2 - Part 1 was repeated except with the oil drained from the appliance and leaving a residual film of oil behind.