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发表于 2011-10-15 21:33:33 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
1. 创造产品与服务改善的恒久目标 :最高管理层必须明确应对谁负责?从短期目标的迷途中回归到长期发展的正确方向上来。坚持经营,在市场上站稳脚根,提高竞争力并为社会提供更多的工作机会。
3. 停止依靠大批量的检验来达到品质标准:检验其实是等于准备有次品,检验出来已经是太迟,且成本高而效益低。正确的做法是改良生产过程。通过在一开始用统计证据就保证产品内在品质的方法,消除对大批量检验的需要。(预防不良,并非检验不良)
4. 废除“价低者得”的做法:价格本身并无意义,只是相对于品质才有意义。因此,只有管理当局重新定原则,采购工作才会改变。减少供应商的数目,取消不能提供品质统计数据的供应商。朝着一件物料只有一个供应商的方向发展,公司一定要与选定供应商建立长期的互信关系。
5. 发现问题,永不间断地改进生产及服务系统:在每一活动中,必须降低浪费和提高品质,无论是采购、运输、工程、方法、维修、销售、分销、会计、人事、顾客服务还是生产制造。
6. 建立现代的岗位培训方法:培训必须是有计划的,且必须是建立于可接受的工作标准上。
7. 建立现代的督导方法:督导人员一定要从数量意识转向品质意识,只有这样才能真正提高生产率,督导人员必须要让高层管理知道需要改善的地方。例品质隐患、机器缺乏保养、工具破损,精度下降等。当知道之后,管理当局必须采取行动。对管理层的监督和对员工的管理一样,需要绩效考评。
8. 消除畏惧感:所有同事必须有胆量去发问,提出问题,表达建议。以便每个人都可以有效地工作。
10. 取消对员工发出计量化的目标:激发员工提高生产率的指标、口号、图像、海报都必须废除。因为低品质和低生产率的大部分原因是管理制度造成的,不是工人所能解决的问题。
只需提出更高的生产力水平要求, 鼓励员工自行寻找(创意)实现目标的具体工作方法与合理化意见。
11. 取消工作标准及数量化的定额:代之以领导职能强化,管理者的职责必须从重视数量转向重视品质。定额把焦点放在数量,而非品质。计件工作制更不好,因为它鼓励制造次品。
12. 消除妨碍基层员工工作畅顺的因素:任何导致员工失去工作尊严的因素必须消除,不要剥夺记时工人为自己的工作品质而自豪的权利。
14.最重要的是:在高层领导中建立一种制度,每天督导执行上述 13 个要点,使公司的每一个人都为完成这种转变而努力,这种转变是每个人的责任。
发表于 2011-10-15 21:33:39 | 只看该作者
1.Create consistency of purpose toward improvement of products and services,with a plan to become competitve and to stay in business. Decide to whom top management is responsible.

2.Adopt the new philosophy. We are in a new economic age. We can no long live with commonly accepted leves of delays,mistakes,defective materials, and defective workmanship.

3.Cease dependence on mass inspection. Require instead statistical evidence that quality is buil-in to eliminate need for inspection. Purchasing managers have a new job and must learn it.

4.End practice of awarding business on the basis of price tag. Instead, depend on meaningful measures of quality,along with price.Eliminate suppliers who cannot qualify with statistical evidence of quality.

5.Find problems.It is management's job to work continually on the system (design,incoming materials,composition of material,maintenance,improvement of machines,training,supervision,retraining

6.Institue moden methods of training on the job.

7.Institue moden methods of supervision of production workers.The responsibility of formen must be changed from sheer numbers to quality. Improvement of quality will automatically improve productivity.Management must prepare to tak immediate actions on reports from formen concernoing bariers such as inherited defects,machines not maintained,poor tools,fuzzy operation definition.

8.Drive out fear, so that everyone may work effectively for the company.

9.Break down bariers between department.People in research,design,sales,and production must work as a team,to foresee problems of production that may be encountered with various materials and specifications.

10.Eliminate numerical goals,posters,slogans for the workforce, asking for new levels of productivity without providing methods.

11. Eliminate work standards that prescribe numerical quotas.

12.Remove barriers that stand between the hourly worker and his right to pride of workmanshio.

13.Institue a vigorous program of education an retraining.

14.Create a structure in top management that will push every day on the above 13 points.
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