haifang_005 說的對, 其實SQM primary focus on supplier's process to ensure the supplier have the capability to meet our
requirement for the product.
想對大的supplier 來說,他們的配合度會更好些,不像有些大的supplier 配合度差.其實procrdure 都差不多,
只是大的supplier 需要你更好的購通技巧, 要說復它們去改善, 這是sqm 每個人的能力就能體現出來,其實
良好的溝通能力也是ㄧ個優秀sqm 必備能力之一
我認為從P---D---C---A FLOW CHART去關理.
1.Firstly, you should know the supplier's performance,you could gather the quality data such as iqc-lrr/ pd line svlrr
customer complain and so on , include the contact window as well
2. define the target for the vlrr/ lrr/ svlrr ,iif you have the goal ,you could know how to management the supplier,
this is also we often said sqm's kpi
3. revew supplier's materials status, CAR/ CIP/ Report, according to the target, at some times ,you should co-work with
supplier and support them fromthe technic /quality tools such as spc/msa/doe and so on, help them dig out the rootcause and drive them to improve ----in this function, you must know the good profession knowledge for
the materials and quality tools
4. doule check, for the supplier's correct action, as nessary, you should go to supplier to aduit and confirm the supplier
whether or not perform the action fully,this is very important for us. also the sop/sip renew ,operator's traing is must
be qualified. |