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发表于 2012-4-5 23:08:57 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Circuit Protection
What is circuit protection?
In an electrical circuit, we refer to an excess (FLA)flow of current as an overcurrent.
Overcurrents, since they exceed design or rated values, are considered abnormal. Our
customers look for ways to limit or interrupt these overcurrents, which (If allowed
through equipment)may cause damage. Circuit protection equipment provides our
customers with the means to prevent the damage.
Why do our customers require circuit protection?
csa、vde 等安全协会要求在绝大多数设备上装置过电流保护。
Overcurrent protection is necessary in order to prevent a small, controllable problem
from becoming a much larger issue. Potentially damaging overcurrents can result
form excessive voltages, component failure or an accidental shorting of a circuit.
Currents above the level the circuit was designed to handle produce excessive heat.
The higher heat level may destroy other components or producing damaging heat.
Most electric and electronic devices cannot distinguish between normal loads or
overloads. Without circuit protection, these devices would draw more currents as the
load increased, until finally the equipment burned itself out. Danger of fire is always a
possibility. For these reasons, safety agencies such as th UL,CSA, VDE require circuit
protection on most equipment. The faulty circuit must be interrupted for protection.
What are the choices available in equipment protection?
保险丝 fused
聚酯产品 polymer products
温度过电流保护器 thermal circuit breakers
磁性过电流保护器 magnetic circuit breakers
All serve useful functions and have their purpose, which will be discussd in the
following pages.
I. Fuses 保险丝
A fuse is a device which breads the circuit under conditions such as heating by a short
circuit, sustained inrush current, or overcurrent conditions. A traditional fuse will
“provide protection from an overload by opening only once and then it needs to be
replaces. The heart of a typical fuse is a length of wire that is heated to its melting
point by the excessive current. The circuit current flow decreases to zero as the wire
melts open.”
Fuses can be an inexpensive, dependable means of protecting equipment and wiring ,
since they offer relatively high current interrupting capacity for their cost.
Disadvantages to using a fuse are that they destroy themselves in the protection
process, and thy are somewhat imprecise due to the effects of ambient temperature
changes and repeated exposure to surges and minor overloads.
分为三大种类,快跳— 瞬间反应,中跳— 通过缓和高涌入电流来保护电路装置,
慢跳— 可以承受一些涌入电流。电流的等级和特性都会影响保险丝的特性,因为
有相同电流等级的保险丝可以用不同的时间— 电流曲线来表示。慢跳保险丝具有
The characteristics of a fuse design refer to how rapidly the fuse responds to various
current overloads. Fuse characteristics can be classified into three general categories,
fast acting, which has virtually no delay, medium-blo, which protects devices
subjected to moderate to high inrush currents ,and slo-blo, which can withstand some
inrush current. Current rating and characteristic are both needed to define a fuse since
fuses with the same current rating can be represented by considerable different
time-current curves. Slo-blo fused have additional thermal inertia designed in so that
they can withstand inrush or transient currents. Some of the factors that are involved
in the selection of a fuse include operating current, voltage(AC or DC), physical size
limitations, agency approvals(UL,CSA, VDE, or Military),as well as overload
current(in breaking capacity)and length of time in which the fuse must be open.
II.聚酯产品 polymer products
非常广阔的非直线形积极温度系数(PTC)。PTC 被广泛用来评价产品的抗热特
Unlike traditional fuses, polymeric fuses provide resettable circuit protection by
limiting fault current. Polymeric fuses are made from a conductive plastic(made from
a non-conductive crystalline polymer and a highly conductive carbon black)formed
into thin sheets, with electrodes attached to either side. The electrodes ensure even
distribution of power through the device, and provide a surface for leads to be
attached or for custom mounting. The phenomenon that allows conductive plastic
materials to be used for resettable overcurrent protection devices is that they exhibit
a very large non-linear positive temperature coefficient(PTC)effect when heated. PTC
is a characteristic that many materials exhibit whereby resistance increases with
the benefits of polymer products as circuit protectors have been widely recognized
and applied to the following products and industries:
通信设备 communications equipment
个人手提式电脑 personal and laptop computers
中、小型电动马达 small and medium electric motors
音像设备和扬声器 audio equipment and speakers
测试仪器 test and measurement equipment
火警系统 security and fire alarm systems
医疗设备 medical electronics
航海设备 marine electronics
装电池产品 battery-operated toys
工业控制 industrial controls
III.过电保护器 circuit breakers
A circuit breaker, designed for higher current applications, will interrupt the circuit
during a short circuit or inrush of current. An advantage this product offers is tis
repeatability. Circuit brakersmay be used many times. There are two types of circuit
breakers: thermal and magnetic.
A. 温度过电流保护器 thermal circuit breakers
ON/OFF 开关用来保护设备。
With simple operation through the heating effect of current, thermal circuit breakers
offer one of the most reliable and cost
 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-5 23:09:03 | 只看该作者
effective forms of protection device available.
As a result they are well-suited for the protection of a broad range of components and
systems-from motors and transformer windings, through printed circuit boards, to the
low voltage power distribution circuits of road vehicles, boats, and battery powered
machines. “thermal circuit breakers utilize a bimetallic strip electrically in a series
with the circuit. The heat generated by the current during an overload deforms the
bimetallic strip and trips the breaker. Thermal breakers have significant advantage
over traditional fuses in that they can be reset after tripping. They can also be used as
the main ON/OFF switch for the equipment being protected.
这类设备都需要有能力一方面来识别安全的开关-ON 或者电流的变换,另一方面
涌入。同时,它们为马达的锁固转子提供了保护作用。温度CBE 的特性是它们
Such applications all require the ability to discriminate between safe switch-on surges
or transients on one hand, and harmful sustained overloads on the other. Thermal
circuit breakers can withstand high level surges, which arise from lamp loads or
motor-starting, for example. At the same time they afford protection against the
effects of genuine failure such as motor locked rotors. The characteristics of thermal
CBE’s (circuit breakers for equipment)can be matched closely to the ratings of the
component or system they are protecting. This eliminates the need for over-sizing of
wiring and connectors, while offering dependable protection, even under low level
overcurrent conditions which cannot be adequately provided for other methods of
circuit protection.
温度CBE 用以下三种机械装置之一来充分发挥它们的功能:
thermal circuit breakers utilize one of tree different mechanisms optimized for their
range of operation:
A snap action disc type bi-metal and contact asenbly
A bi-metal with a mechanical latch and separate spring loaded contact
A hot wire design with extremely fast switching time
All are individually calibrated in the factory to ensure safe, predictable performance
under a wide range of conditions.
B. magnetic circuit breakers 磁性过电流保护器
Magnetic circuit breakers provide highly precise, reliable and cost-effective solutions
to most design problems. They have the advantages of thermal breakers without their
disadvantages. Since the magnetic circuit breaker is considered to be temperature
stable, it is not appreciably affected by changes in ambient temperature. These circuit
breakers are designed to give our customers reliable automatic circuit protection
power switching and circuit control in a versatile , compact , cost-effective package.
Magnetic circuit breakers offer a more precise trip time for delicate circuits than
thermal circuit breakers. Generally, wherever precise and reliable circuit protection is
required, a magnetic circuit breaker is specified.
magnetic circuit breakers protect the following:
金属线 wiring
马达 motors
发电机和转换器 generators and transformers
固态电子系统 solid state systems
通信系统 telecommunications systems
微信息处理机 microprocessors
外围打印装置 peripheral and printing devices
工业自动化以及包装系统 industrial automation and packaging systems
机器工具 machine tools
医疗设备 medical and dental equipment
检测仪表 instrumentation
自动贩卖机 vending machines
过程控制系统 process control systems
电源供应 linear and switching power supplies
海事控制嵌板 marine control panels
办公设备 office machines
C 温度过电流保护器和磁力过电流保护器的特性
Characteristics of thermal and magnetic circuit breakers
温度过电流保护器 thermal
对温度敏感性 temperature sensitive
对电压无敏感性 not voltage sensitive
单极 single pole
间隔时间固定 fixed time delay
有Push or reset 功能或者是开关功能 push-to reset or switch function
仅限於电路保护功能 limited circuit functions
体积小 small package size
单价低廉 lower cost
磁力过电流保护器 magnetic
对温度不敏感 not temp sensitive
对电压有敏感性 voltage sensitive
单极或者多极 single or multi-pole
间隔时间不固定 various time delays
开关功能 switch function
各种不同的电路功能 variety of circuit funcitons
体积比温度过电流保护器大 larger package size
单价更高 higher cost
IV.应用 applications
Circuit protection is an area where operating characteristics must meet precise
performance parameters. The aircraft you fly in, the house you live in, the computer
you operate and the photocopier you run all probably have circuit protection devices.
--power supplies: switches, linear, UPS, rectifiers
--power distribution: telecommunications ,computers, boat panes, theatrical lighting,
rail cars
--appliance protector: photocopiers, workstations, test&measurement equipment,
medical equipment , printers
-马达保护:HVAC 设备、潜水艇的泵、吸尘器、发电机装置
--motor protector: HVAC equipment, submersible pumps, vacuum cleaners,
generator sets.
-电池 battery charges
--domestic appliances: food processors, washing machine, dryers
--military equipment: radios&broadcast, ground support, aerospace&airborne
-浪博保护 surge protectors
The need for ensuring consistently safe products and equipment prompted the creation
of safety agencies, whose prime responsibilities include writing standards, evaluation
of product to those standards, and issuing marks indicating compliance to the
applicable standards. These agencies are concerned with safety in forms such as
electrical shock, mechanical hazard, fire and other hazardous/ emergency conditions.
This concern is extended to the component power supply as well as end use
equipment or product.
The incompatibility of standards between nations makes it impossible to use the same
fuse across the world in a given application. Attention needs to be given to the fact
that governing standards are different. Observation of this fact in the early design
stage will save trouble and confusion during the agency approval process. Look to
each nation’s marking s to ensure compliance. Some popular national agencies
include: UL(United nations), CSA(Canada), VDE(Germany), SEMKO(Sweden),
BSI(United Kingdom), IEC(Europe)
发表于 2012-4-5 23:09:09 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-4-5 23:09:15 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-4-5 23:09:21 | 只看该作者
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