My name is xxxx and I represent LCD Group Inc. We've found your resume at and we believe that your skills and experience meet our basic requirements.
Our company deals mainly with the outsourcing of Information Technology all over the world, bringing the best equipped specialists from different countries to the consumers.
This position will require two or three hours a day performing your duties on-line.
There are no start-up and/or any other fees. Our company covers all the fees related to the hiring process.
We provide a 30 day paid training period. During your training period you receive online support from your personal supervisor, who also makes the final decision on extending a permanent job offer after 30 days training.
The base pay for the training period is AUD 2,300 per month. Plus you keep 8% commission from each and every transfer processed. Furthermore, you may ask for extra hours or even a full-time job after your 30 day training period has been successfully completed.
NOTE: The Gmail account is used to avoid of getting spam to our corporate mail server.
If you're still seeking a job, and our offer might be of interest to you, please complete a form below as a part of your return email. Our representative will contact you within 48 hours.
First name:_____________________
Last name:________________________
Country of residence:______________________
Contact phone:________________________
Preferred call time:_____________________
We have found your resume at This is to confirm that your resume has been duly processed and your skills meet our basic requirements for the Payment Processing position.
Yours faithfully,
LCD Group Inc. |