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发表于 2011-10-13 20:01:01 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
It is generally thought that the modern business management system is derived from the Western. Yet, when look back, we found Chinese people already created excellent quality management system to business operation in far ages. 现代的企业管理制度是按照西方工业发达国家的模式建立的,然而回顾中国历史,依然可以在残存的旧纸堆里发现很多管理智慧的星光。这些星光告诉人们,无须盲目崇拜发达国家,其实数千年前的华夏文明就已经建立了很好的品质管理制度和品质理念。
In the black ages, the primordial technology and skills limits the quality of products and their productivities. Quality information went back in easy way. 在刀耕火种的混沌时期,生产基本是为了自用,比如一副弓箭或一个石斧,从样式设计,材料收集,制造到使用,都是同一些人来完成,品质信息可以迅速被反馈,在内部不断改进,而原始的技能是品质的主要限制因素。
In the primeval times, handcraftsmanship turned into a professional occupation and the nation-owned handicraft industry controlled everything ranging from the national strategic products producing, like metallurgy, weapon, to the society livelihoods, like vessels, architectures, etc. Quality system was borne in this industry. 进入远古时期后,劳动出现分工,产品开始在人群中互相交换,手工艺人变成专职生产者。在中国古代,手工业包罗万象,从国家战略层面的冶金、武器、车船等,到社会民生层面的皮革、陶瓷、乐器、建筑等,是社会经济生活的命脉。官办手工作坊具备资金、规模、技术、管理等方面的优势,在漫漫的历史长河中,一直处于支配地位。最初的品质管理体系首先在这个行业中产生了。
“Gonggong, who is the director of all handicraftsmen since the far primeval time”, written by ~400 B.C.
The earliest book about the handicraft technology in China was written at the Spring and Autumn period. It is the cyclopedia of the manufacturing process and product specification of the handcraftsmanship in that period. It is said, there was full-time technician to check the product quality according to the specification. If failed, the producer would be punished. 成书于春秋时期的《考工记》是目前所见年代最早的手工业技术文献,保留有先秦时期官办手工业作坊中各个工种的制造工艺和产品规范,以及管理制度。在生产过程中,为了使制成品合乎规格,保证良好的品质,需设工师专管。其中记述道:“凡试梓饮器,乡衡而实不尽,梓师罪之。”这是说,当工师检验梓人(木工)所制的饮器时,如果平爵(酒杯)向口,爵中还留有余沥,便不合标准,梓人就要受到处罚(引自《互动百科》)。根据东汉学者郑玄的注解,手工艺人的管理者,在上古时代被称为共工。
This important file shows, Chinese had acknowledged it essential that the way to production management successful is to establish excellent product technical specification and quality monitor system, and this system became mature by 2400 years ago. 这个珍贵资料显示,在渺远的唐虞时代,祖先就认识到建立良好的产品技术规范和品质监控措施是产品管理的一个必要步骤,这一制度被不断改进,在东周时期就很完善了。即使在现代化企业中,建立标准化的产品管理制度仍然是产质量量保证的关键。
‘Nowadays, writing in same language, driving on same wheelbase, acting by same norm.’, written by ~ 300 B.C.
Standardization is so basic to an empire’s building. The day Qin unified China to a powerful centralized nation at 221 B.C., standardizing the ruling policies was reinforced by the administration. 秦朝之前,国家的管理体制相对比较松散。公元前221年,秦朝建立了真正意义上统一的中央集权的中华帝国,为了行政管理的方便,在全国范围内运用强硬措施,要求所有的国民使用相同的文字,安装相同的车轨,遵循相同的伦理。这个政策受到当时守旧的六国遗老遗少的强烈反对。
Today, standardization is one of critical responsibilities to quality people, including standardized operating procedures, working flows, and documented specification based on the ISO9001 QMS requirement and TQM principle. 今天的品质人员也担负着类似的任务,他们根据ISO9001品质体系和全面品质管理的原则,制定标准的程序,执行标准的流程,建立书面的规范。可见,两千多年前的始皇,原来是我们的鼻祖。
(三)采办务真,修制务精 - 胡庆余堂店训·清
‘Select genuine materials, process in delicate’ – the motto of Hu pharmacy
中国人一直认为“诚实守信,童叟无欺”是商人应有的商业准则。The business society was bloomed up in peaceful and stable period. In this situation, business norms came to being. The saying of “Be loyal to the goodwill, no trick to clients” implies the business moral and the pursuit to quality in that ages. Several brands became well-known to the nation for sticking to this moral. 清朝中叶相当长的和平稳定时期里,商业社会极其繁荣,造就了许多成功的商人,胡庆余堂的店训,寓托了封建时代中国商人的职业道德和对品质的执着追求。当时的《水窗春艺》曾记载说:“著名大店,如扬州之戴春林,苏州之孙春阳,嘉善之吴鼎盛,京城之王麻子,杭州之张小泉,皆天下知,...,然此各家得名之始,只循诚理二字为之。”
Today, “honesty and trustworthy” is still the principle to quality people in problem analyzing, improvement, communicating, etc. There are two, firstly, trustworthy behaviors acting; secondly, trustworthy information making. 在今天,品质人员也要能够以“诚信”的原则来和内部人员及客户建立互信,问题分析、技术改善、投诉处理、资料交流、人际沟通等等,都需要建立在这种信任的基础上。首先表现为行为的可信,能坚守职业道德,遵循工作流程,对于工作的目标有坚定不渝的信念和对改善有持之以衡的决心。其次是信息的可信,无论是原始数据、资料、报告和其他一些通过正式途径发布的信息,都应该是真实可靠的,可以经得起时间考验的。没有诚信,何谈品质?
No duty-binding bylaw fulfilled, no quality guarantee realized – Deng, present
When the Republic born, that material shortage and low productivity in long-term made most factories focused just on production in disregard of quality and safety. However, this situation was changed gradually when more and more legislations passed. 新中国成立以来,长期的物资缺乏和生产力落后造成供需失衡,促使许多厂家盲目生产,妄顾品质与安全。然而社会变化如此之快,1979年中国品质管理协会成立,1985年全国推广全面品质管理(TQM),1992年颁布ISO9000系列标准的国标版,1996年国务院审议通过《品质振兴纲要》,指出品质问题是国民经济发展过程中的战略性问题,如果被忽视会付出沉重代价。跨入新世纪后,我国在2001年启动了全国品质管理奖评审,2005年,国家质检总局颁布《缺陷汽车产品召回管理规定》,并计划建立不安全玩具及儿童用品召回管理制度,拟用3到5年时间逐步建立起缺陷产品召回早期预警、早期监控和完备的应急处理机制。
Illustrate the operating procedure with the responsibility & duty identifying and working guideline providing is the premise to an organization. These procedures help achieve cross-functional understanding to quality responsibilities and enlighten the communication channels. 明确的责任分工和规章制度是组织和项目成功的前提条件,建立品质有关的制度和程序文件也是非常重要的,有助于形成对品质工作的共识和内外部的沟通。
发表于 2011-10-13 20:01:07 | 只看该作者
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