1. Not all, but most of the components of the products with UL marking attached should have the UL approval, especially some critical components or materials, such as:
a: the enclosure's material(plastics): should be UL QMFZ2, sometimes QMMY2 is needed.
b: internal wiring: should be UL AWM or UL wiring harnesses;
c: PWB: should be ZPMV2;
and etc...
2. For the critical components, most of this kind of components, are decided by the UL engineer, and the UL engineer will tell you and show the information about the critical components in the FUS procedure, of course, if you are familiar with the related standards, then you also can discuss some issues with the UL engineer, cause sometimes, not all the UL engineers are correct.
3. Even if you say your components can fulfill the UL's requirements, but there is no UL approval for this kind of components, and finally this kind of components are controlled by UL and regarded as the critical components, then you must find another supplier which can provide the similar components with the UL approval.
4. Except UL, there is no any other agency which can issue the UL certificate, maybe some agencies say they can issue the certificate, at this time, I can tell you they are cheating, at most, they can do some tests which authorized by UL and also can issue some test reports, but not the UL certificates.. |