EN 71-1 2011里的7.1有这么一段话In the following clauses, the location of the warnings is therefore indicated (on the toy itself, on the packaging, in the instructions for use, on an accompanying leaflet). Warnings which determine the decision to purchase the toy shall appear on the consumer packaging or be otherwise clearly visible to the consumer before thepurchase.
我的理解是对玩具购买起决定作用的警告语需要指出警告语的位置,象choking hazard,strangulation hazard都会对玩具的购买起决定作用,那是不是都要指出警告语的位置呢??
7.1的最后一句话是 In the following sub-clauses a requirement, that a toy shall carry a warning shall mean that the warning shall appear on the toy itself.
那following sub-clauses是不是也包括7.2呢??小部件警告语等都要出现在玩具上吗???
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