标题: ASTM F963-08 SHARP POINT的问题 [打印本页] 作者: 枣核 时间: 2011-8-14 23:14 标题: ASTM F963-08 SHARP POINT的问题 请教如图的两个尖点做ASTM F963和EN71-1可以算Potentially hazardous sharp points吗(注解,这两个钩子本来是在里面的,是被我拉出来拍照的,呵呵)??会判FAIL吗??谢谢..
根据16 CFR 1500.48
(4) Inaccessible points. Points shall be considered inaccessible without testing with a probe if they lie adjacent to a surface of the test sample and any gap between the point and the adjacent surface does not exceed 0.020 inch (0.50 millimeter) either before or after the tests of §§1500.51, 1500.52, and 1500.53 (excluding the bite test—paragraph (c) of each section) are performed.