Annex R
Software evaluation
Software shall be evaluated in accordance with the following clauses of Annex H of
IEC 60730-1, as modified below.
H.2 Definitions
Only definitions H.2.16 to H.2.20 are applicable.
H.7 Information
Only footnotes 12) to 16) and 18) of Table 7.2 are applicable.
In footnote 15), replace “the requirements of 17, 25, 26 and 27” by “19.13 of IEC 60335-1”
and replace “H.27” by “19.11.2 of IEC 60335-1”.
H.11.12 Controls using software
All of the subclauses of H.11.12 as modified below are applicable, except subclauses
H.11.12.6 and H. which are not applicable.
In the second paragraph, replace “required in items 66 to 72 inclusive” by “referred to in
footnotes 12) to 16) and 18) inclusive”.
H.11.12.7 Delete “and identified in table 7.2, requirement 68”.
H. Replace the text by the following:
For appliances using software class C having a single channel with self-test and monitoring
structure, the manufacturer shall provide the measures necessary to address the fault/errors
in safety related segments and data indicated in Table H.11.12.7-1.
H.11.12.8 Replace the text by the following:
Software fault/error detection shall occur before compliance with 19.13 of IEC 60335-1 is
H. Replace “result in the response declared in table 7.2, requirement 72” by “occur
before compliance with 19.13 of IEC 60335-1 is impaired”.
H.11.12.13 Replace the text by the following:
The software and safety related hardware under its control shall initialize and terminate
before compliance with 19.13 of IEC 60335-1 is impaired.作者: 红与黑 时间: 2012-4-5 22:55
你如果培训的话,我一定要过去听一下了作者: 紫罗兰 时间: 2012-4-5 22:55
经过几个月的学习与研究,TUV SUD即将做第一个软件评估案子, 做完之后将对整个珠三角有意向的工厂做一次大型培训。作者: 红与黑 时间: 2012-4-5 22:55
具体怎么操作还是没有搞清楚,郁闷啊!作者: 紫罗兰 时间: 2012-4-5 22:55