标题: SQE对"来料不良品'的处理过程中需要做哪些事情 [打印本页] 作者: 飞天英雄中 时间: 2011-11-7 08:00 标题: SQE对"来料不良品'的处理过程中需要做哪些事情 本人做过QE,IQC,现在转做SQE,刚做没几天就遇到一个问题:来料不良的库存品处理,上边要求SQE/BUYER处理好库存累积的来料不良品,而采购也是推一下动一下,不推他,他还怪你没告诉他.
我们公司在保税区,物料进出均要报关,各位有何高招支一下.0000000作者: 绝对零度 时间: 2011-11-7 08:01
1# To make sure the suspected failures in your non-conformance inventory were responsed to suppliers, this is to require you & your team to item by item check these failures in your MRB stock;
2# To establish a tracking list to purchasing dept & managers, specify failure part numbers/vendor/involved quantity/failure description & root cause/what you have done with supplier/pending dept/pending who/status/so on;
3# To regularly host MRB meeting, to drive the corresponding buyers for actions and report the result to team & managers for reviewing.
Reminder, you are the owner for MRB handling & get quality agreement with supplier, but it is buyer to charge failures RMA to return back or replacement to suppliers.作者: 南天一柱 时间: 2011-11-7 08:01
按照我们以前的做法就是,先联系供应商,让他知道这一情况,再跟采购沟通,说明此料的问题,因为你本身以和供应商沟通好了,所以退货也就不是问题了!!作者: 可胜则胜 时间: 2011-11-7 08:01