最终的结果是此供应商的评估报告,所以数据都进入集团供应商数据库,结论是“有条件接受“,只适合于本地采购。本地工厂,采购和集团供应链经理都清楚和满意结果,而SQE又没有违背供应商管理原则,皆大欢喜。。。。作者: 感觉 时间: 2011-11-6 16:13
审核结论仅仅是风险参考,供应的实际表现才是它的业绩。我们公司的程序规定了,对于现有供应商,根据评分表来评定供应商,如PPM,及时交货,和价格。作者: hanson 时间: 2011-11-6 16:13
体系什么的其实是虚的, 完善则最好!但不能主末倒置!
如飞机, 汽车, 手机和手术刀就各不相同.作者: 冬夜思春 时间: 2011-11-6 16:13
The purpose of the audit supplier is for can get a available high quality sources.
If this supplier can provide this material and reach this goal.why do you want to cancel it ?作者: 潮之风 时间: 2011-11-6 16:13
It depend on the stages of supplier management, during supplier selection stage, the purpose of audit is to select capable source and qualify it, but in quality management stage, the main target of supplier audit is to evaluate current situation and keep monitoring to avoid quailty/delivery issues. Purchasing strategy is what SQE need follow up to intergrate supplier base and get MAX supply performance of Delivery/Quality/Productity.