以前在 Foxconn 天天上这培训,那培训的学习企业文化,主要就是老郭语录(需师3以上);感觉很厌倦:神化郭台铭。。。很无聊;也是能打混就打混,能开溜就开溜。现在重新拿起老郭的 “虎与狐” 看看,感觉居然和以前不一样;老郭说的还是有道理啊!不管他 是不是抄袭别人的,我还是决定再好好读一遍。作者: 凌晨 时间: 2011-11-5 19:46
对我来讲,很教条化作者: 花猫 时间: 2011-11-5 19:46 作者: 虚幻 时间: 2011-11-5 19:46
<div class="xspace-quote">原帖由herth_10于2008-06-13 16:19:24发表
It will be generate great effectiveness for your
company or your work if you really grasp the </div>
yes, you are right.
I am readding it again. Honghai and Terry would be a great legend in the near future. I will follow his trace and learn many experience作者: 扁豆 时间: 2011-11-5 19:46