作者: 天之心 时间: 2011-11-3 23:45
2.如果是原料的问题多,那么请先搞清楚是哪个或哪个供应商的产品;作者: 所向无敌 时间: 2011-11-3 23:45
通常SQE只负责供应商的产质量量管理,而你们公司产品部件多,并不一定是说产质量量问题就多,而当产品的品质问题,通过分析都指向来料的问题时,就有必要向老板申请SQE这个职位。作者: 小猪带套 时间: 2011-11-3 23:46
如果在供应商的开发期控制的很好,后期的定期考证评也到位的话,没有SQE一样可以保证品质。主要看是根据零件的特点和供应商的水准来看了,老板当然需要用小的投入得到大的产出。作者: 何日君再来 时间: 2011-11-3 23:46
SQE is a very important job for a assembly factory,What I means the factory which provide products meet the final customer.
Assembly factory only created value added thru assembly and the quality of product largely denpends on quality of parts provided by supply chain.
In our headquater Italy,the quality functional pay much attention on parts quality and supplier management,there are two divisions under qualityC group and SCM.
QC responsible for Incoming quality check and monitor/
SCM responsible for pro-active of parts delivery,their aim is make sure all parts available with excellent quality.
Now we are introduct same approach in our factory and we also set up a team as SCM ,but its belong Purchsing ,I am in progress to pusuade to change the structure from belong purhcasing to belong me.