
标题: 求助!关于CE [打印本页]

作者: 晴天小猪    时间: 2011-10-21 22:37
标题: 求助!关于CE
作者: dfwqwe    时间: 2011-10-21 22:39
作者: 伤心小箭    时间: 2011-10-21 22:40
作者: 伤心小箭    时间: 2011-10-21 22:41
CE认证 玩具指令标准目录

标准机构 标准号 标准标题 参考标准 发布日期
CENELEC EN50088:1996/A3:2002 Safetyof electric toys – Amendment 3 EN50088:1996, clauses 1,, 3.1.8., 3.2.3, 3.5.1, 3.5.4, 5.1.4, 5.1.5, 6,6.1, 6.2, 7.1.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.7, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5, 9.8, 9.8.2, 9.9,11.1, 13, 14.6, 14.7, 14.10, 14.12, 16.3, 17.1, 19.2.1, 19.2.2, 19.2.3, 20,Annexes. 1.03.2005 15.3.2003[24]
CENELEC EN50088:1996 Safetyof electric toys Notapplicable Not applicable 21.6.1997[21]
CENELEC EN50088:1996/A1:1996 Safetyof electric toys – Amendment 1 EN50088:1996, clause 14.2 1.10.2001 21.6.1997[23]
CENELEC EN50088:1996/A2:1997 Safetyof electric toys – Amendment 2 EN50088:1996, clauses 1, 3.2.2, H.1, H.5, H.7.1, H.7.4, H.8, H.9.4, H.9.6,H.9.9, H.11, H.12, H.13, H.14, H.15 1.3.2000 27.11.1999[22]
CEN EN71 – 4:1990/A2:2003 Safetyof toys-Part 4: Experimental sets for chemistry and related activities –Amendment 2 EN71-4:1990, clauses 2.3, 6.2.4, Annex A 31.03.2004 9.12.2003(OJC 297)
CEN EN71-1:1998 Safetyof toys-Part 1: Mechanical and physical properties EN71-1:1988 [2] 31.1.2001 28.7.1999 ?[3]
CEN EN71-1:1998/A1:2001 Safetyof toys-Part 1: Mechanical and physical properties – Amendment 1 EN71-1:1998, clauses 4.15.1, 7.11, C.19 31.7.2001 14.9.2001[5]
CEN EN71-1:1998/A2:2002 Safetyof toys-Part 1: Mechanical and physical properties – Amendment 2 EN71-1:1998, clauses 4.20, 7.8, 31.8.2002 8.8.2002[6]
CEN EN71-1:1998/A5:2000 Safetyof toys-Part 1: Mechanical and physical properties – Amendment 5 EN71-1:1998, clauses 3.7, 4.4,, 4.16, 5.4, 7.18, 8.2,, 8.11.3,8.15, 8.17,, C.5, C.10, C.30, C.32 31.5.2001 14.9.2001[4]
CEN EN71-1:1998/A6:2002 Safetyof toys-Part 1: Mechanical and physical properties – Amendment 6 EN71-1:1998, clauses 1, 4.17, C.23 30.9.2002 8.8.2002[7]

CE认证 玩具指令标准目录

标准机构 标准号 标准标题 参考标准 发布日期
CEN EN71-1:1998/A7:2002 Safetyof toys-Part 1: Mechanical and physical properties – Amendment 7 EN71-1:1998, clauses 4.14.1, 8.41, 8.41.1, 8.41.2, C.17 30.11.2002 8.8.2002[8]
CEN EN71-1:1998/A8:2003 Safetyof toys-Part 1: Mechanical and physical properties – Amendment 8 EN71-1:1998, clauses 3.xx, 4.22, 5.11, 5.12, 7.19, 8.34, 8.35, C.49 31.03.2004 9.12.2003(OJC 297)
CEN EN71-2:1993/AC:1995 Safetyof toys-Part 2: Flammability - corrigendum Notapplicable Not applicable 8.8.2002[10]
EN EN71-2:2003 Safetyof toys-Part 2: Flammability ?EN71-2:1993 ?31.03.2004 ?9.12.2003(OJC 297)
CEN EN71-3:1994 Safetyof toys-Part 3: Migration of certain elements EN71-3:1988 [11] 30.06.1995 12.10.1995[12]
CEN EN71-3:1994/A1:2000 Safetyof toys-Part 3: Migration of certain elements – Amendment 1 EN71-3:1994, clauses 8.71, 8.72, 8.8.1, 8.9.1, 8.9.2, 6.1.6, Annex A, D.5.1, 5,8.2.1, 8.3.1, 8.4.1, 8.6.1, 8.7.1, 8.7.2, 8.9.1, 8.9.2, D.3 31.10.2000 14.9.2001[14]
CEN EN71-3:1994/A1:2000/AC:2000 Safetyof toys-Part 3: Migration of certain elements – Amendment 1 - corrigendum Notapplicable Not applicable 8.8.2002[15]
CEN EN71-3:1994/AC:2002 Safetyof toys-Part 3: Migration of certain elements - corrigendum Notapplicable Not applicable 15.3.2003[13]
CEN EN71-4:1990 Safetyof toys-part 4: Experimental sets for chemistry and related activities Notapplicable Not applicable 9.2.1991[16]
CEN EN71-4:1990/A1:1998 Safetyof toys-Part 4: Experimental sets for chemistry and related activities –Amendment 1 EN71-4:1990, clauses 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.5, 7.1, 7.3.2, 9.1, 9.3 31.10.1998 5.9.1998[17]
作者: 风鱼    时间: 2011-10-21 22:42
作者: 晴天小猪    时间: 2011-10-21 22:43
作者: 风鱼    时间: 2011-10-21 22:44

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