标题: 接地电压标准应该为多少合适? [打印本页] 作者: 飞鸟 时间: 2011-10-17 06:06 标题: 接地电压标准应该为多少合适? 我们公司的2台ITS综合测试仪这2天接2连3的莫名其妙的抗议了,经检查,是保险丝烧掉了,换个新的,立马又烧掉了。专家检查后断定,机器没有问题!量一下生产线接线电压,我的乖乖,接地电压30几伏。后来断定说接地电压有问题导致机器保险丝烧掉了。可检查了几条生产线接地电压,有的只有2点几,有的5点几,有的30几,有的60几伏。想请教高手,接地电压究竟多少才是正常的?作者: 红与黑 时间: 2011-10-17 06:06
According to your situation, I think this is due to the quality of the earthing in the factory.
Basically, it should be zero.
So, there may has the high earthing resistance in between the earthing connection.
You need to check if there is so many high resistance wire in the path for earthing. What you can do is to check the earthing resistance by another equipment , named earthing tester, it can show if the equipment is connected to the "ideal" earthing. If the earthing resistance show very large, you need to add many yellow-green wire parallel to the existing wire so as to reduce the resistance of the wires.